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Welcome to Classroom 9 & 3/4 

This year, I decided to decorate my classroom using a Harry Potter theme. Harry Potter is a childhood favorite series of mine and I love the idea of making math a "magical experience", especially for "first years" a.k.a Sixth Grade Middle School students. 


You will notice in my classroom I have a diffuser and salt rocks lamp. I use essential oils with the diffuser and allow different students to choose the scents. The salt rocks lamp is included to help promote concentration and is meant to relieve stress. 

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Hagrid's Reading Hut (a.k.a) the Cozy Corner

This spot is a classroom favorite! Students love to sit by the fire and snuggle up with a book or get cozy with a clipboard and worksheet. This is also the spot for student collaboration. 


Vocab Alley

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Vocab Alley is the heart of our classroom as this holds the key terms students need to know throughout Sixth Grade. Students know to use this as a resource if they are unfamiliar with certain terms or need a refresher about the skill/topic we are working with. 


The Daily Prophet 

The Daily Prophet is our classroom newsletter bulletin board for events happening within our school and within our community. If there are important events or reminders, those will go here as well. 

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House Cup Competition

The House Cup is our classroom management system that allows each period to earn a certain number of points. Once a certain amount of points are reached, the class will vote on an activity to spend their points on. Example activities are: fifteen minutes of freetime, a movie and popcorn, Extra recess, etc. 


The Owlery and home of our beloved class pet, "Fred"

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The Owlery is the everchanging section of the whiteboard where students may look to find the date, agenda, learning target(s), reminders, upcoming events, and House Points. There is also a small section dedicated to our class pet, "Fred". Fred was drawn on the whiteboard one day and was left to fend for himself. The students and I decided to take him in and keep him "alive" with necessities like food and milk. Students are quick to notice if Fred does not have his essentials. 


Google Classroom


Google Classroom is the platform we use as a district for students to access their classes when having to move to remote learning. The picture above is an example of what a typical week in Google Classroom may look like. 


Me, Me, Meme - an icebreaker activity

Me, Me, Meme.PNG

Here are some examples of an icebreaker activity my students worked on at the beginning of the year. Students were given the chance to pick 3-5 memes that they felt described who they were as a person or that related to their life in some way. 

Me, Me, Meme 2.PNG
Me, Me, Meme 3.PNG

Problem of the Week a.k.a "The POW"

Each week students are given a Problem of the Week, a.k.a "POW" as homework. These POWs are part of a district-wide initiative to assist students in the area of fractions and writing skills. In sixth grade, the POWs are very structured and include sentence starters to aid students with the writing process. Another purpose of this is to integrate Literacy with Math.


Click the button below to seen an example of the 6th grade POW Syllabus and Rubric.






Here are some examples of exemplar Problem of the Week Assignments. 

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