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Web 2.0 - Oh yeah!!


What is web 2.0? Web 2.0 is a website that has the ability to connect people using a two-way communication. For example, people can write back and forth to each other through Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, etc. Social media is the best example of a Web 2.0 App. There is also Web 1.0 and Web 3.0. Here is a link for more information on the difference between these three:,artificial%20intelligence%20and%20machine%20learning.

Another question is how can we use Web 2.0 Apps for teaching? Well, we can use many different Web 2.0 Apps in the classroom. Students can use apps for creating, evaluating, analyzing, applying, understanding, and analyzing their work. Some examples of these apps are Google Workplace, Kahoot, Peardeck, Quizlet, Animoto, and Polls everywhere. Teachers also have a variety of choices outside of the mainstream ones that are usually seen being used in the classroom.

Now-a-days, more and more technology is being integrated into the classroom. Students are also using Social Media at home and it may make the the most sense to build on what students are already using. For example, my Native American Studies teacher had us complete an assignment which consisted of using out Facebook Social Media Page. We would post a question to our status and invite our friends and family to reply with their answers. We would then analyze this data and use it to complete our class data. Why not find ways to make assignments meaningful and relevant to students in these technological times?

Well, that's all for today. Below is a link of more Web 2.0 apps:

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