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ePortfolios - Why so popular?


Welcome back to Miss Tori's Classroom of Technological Wonders!! This week's topic is ePortfolios. So, what are they? Well, ePortfolios are the new hit at many colleges and universities across the United States and in some parts of the world. They are used to showcase a student's learning and highlight a teacher's teaching. If you're like me, you may be thinking: "why are they so popular?" After some research, Here are a few reasons I found:

Number one... ePortfolios are an authentic assessment. Not each student is going to have the same things in their portfolios nor will they look the same. This is something that the cannot be measured using a traditional test.

Number two... ePortfolios improve a student's metacognition. It allows them to think deeper about the task at hand. Student are constantly adding to their work and reflecting on it and having those internal conversations with themselves and pushing their self-growth.

Number three... ePortfolios rely on both the student and the teacher. A student's role is to constantly work on adding to the ePortfolio based on what the teacher highlights as important. Students in this process are responsible for their own learning and become more self-directed. It's also a place where everything can be easily accessed and stored together. Not to mention, it eliminates the need for paper portfolios.

I've read multiple articles trying to find one that summarizes what all the hype is about and below I have linked an article that goes further into detail. Thank you for reading.

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Feb 26, 2021

The visual additions to highlight each section were a great idea! This article was well thought-out and was a good summary of why E-portfolios are on the rise across the country and why they are beneficial to use. One thing I would say though is that doing a readthrough of the article and look for small spelling/grammatical errors. I've found that using an external app like Grammarly has helped me immensely. This post was a treat to read, and I can't wait to read more!


Feb 25, 2021

Amazing job on using your unique voice, your blogs are always authentic to yourself! My only comment was I loved the visuals, but maybe add one for each sub-section!

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