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Welcome! What's a PLC?

Miss Tori

Welcome to Miss Tori's Classroom of Wonders Blog. I am new to the blogging world so let me introduce myself. I am 22-years-old with a passion for Education. I am a Senior in College currently in my semester before student teaching. How did four years already fly by? I've had so many unique experiences in my time at our Teacher Education Program. Not many can say they have been a teacher and student during a Global Pandemic. Teaching is already hard enough but mix a pandemic in there and BAM! More Teacher Appreciation than ever! Working in a classroom is anything but easy, especially in this unique time of COVID-19.

The topic today I would love to discuss today is the idea of a Professional Learning Community or PLC. I know you're probably thinking to yourself, what is a PLC? Well, a PLC consists of a learning team who is in a constant cycle of asking themselves, "What can I do to make my teaching better to serve the needs of my students?" One benefit of a PLC is the ability to innovate new strategies to try with students and confer afterwards to determine what worked and what didn't. This is a space to work through problems and solutions together in a non-pressuring environment. I am new to the PLC community but so far I am enjoying having other educators to talk to during the time of COVID. Please enjoy the article I have attached below. Thank you for reading.

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1 comentário

Josh Fix
Josh Fix
15 de fev. de 2021

Tori, I enjoyed your brief intro and nice introduction to the Edutopia PLC post. Great work! Josh

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